of a newspaper article and includes analysis of facts and opinion about them. essay writing is an essential skill and is taught in almost all middle schools and high schools. while almost anyone can write an essay, good essay writing is…
]]>blogs and soon run out of things to say about a subject or (worse yet) switch subjects and topics seemingly at random and then any target audience is done with you. if you want to write a personal blog — an…
]]>person you’re writing for and write for them. sometimes it helps if you have a real person in mind. write as though you are talking to that person, don’t try to do anything other than put down in words exactly what…
]]>images for your whole post is pointless. almost anything can be used for the same function as an image in a blog post — this function is to break up the text and give the reader a break and something interesting…
]]>publishing house requirements.some publishing houses i was interested in had email notification service for industry news, like a shuffle in the editorial line up or brand new book series looking for fresh stories, which helped just as much as the ones…
]]>a fan/friend. fans and friends will be more engaged wile followers are a lot less likely to click on a link you tweet or respond to you update or question. so setting a straightforward goal like the one above is all…
]]>bar, on blogger and word press there is a spell-check button at the top of every page you edit. after you have finished writing spell check and proof read all of your writing and then submit it.3. choice an appropriate design…
]]>the skills specific to grant-writing, however, will have a major impact on your success. we have touched on major areas here; many free resources are available to give you more insight and help you obtain grant funding. online writing jobs are…
]]>blog programs and find the one you like the best. the one that «fits you» is the one to use. do you know how many blogs there are out there right now? there are most likely millions upon millions. a small…
]]>reason that blogging for profit is becoming so popular is because there are many ways to make money using blogs.here are some ways to earn cash writing for blogs: sell quality content- producing quality content and selling it is a great…